Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Hello family,
Most of you know that I took this last weekend off and spent it with my family. Cody Custer traveled to the last event and poured into the men of the PBR and hosted the outreach service Saturday morning. We are so rich as to have great men share their lives with us and continue to partner with the work our Father is doing through this ministry.
Speaking of ministry, I just want to share a bit of what is on my heart about the word "Ministry." For some strange reason, our words seen to disintegrate just like everything else in this life. The word ministry simply means to serve. As a follower of Jesus it means to serve him and his cause. Unfortunately in many peoples eyes it means a Christian business. Riding High Ministry began as two people, Leslie and myself, finding ourselves in a place where we wanted to serve our Father in a full time capacity by serving the men of the PBR and being in a position to travel and speak at other worthy gatherings. Nothing has changed. We are still two people who only want our lives to be spent serving our Father by serving people with his kind of love. Sometimes we do this brilliantly and sometimes less than desirable (lousy). But since we call ourselves a ministry I want to make sure that you know what I mean when I use the word. I simply mean that we were created for and continue to live for one purpose and that is to please our Father by being about his work.
Now, since you know what I mean by ministry, you can appreciate the fact that this last week my ministry has been focused on three little boys and one really pretty woman from Shelley Idaho. I have found myself doing many activities that would look like simple play and menial chores, but because I am one of Gods kids and my heart is to show his kind of love and represent him, I can say that it is all ministry. This last week I have coached soccer, done dishes. Trained horses with the boys and enjoyed elk steak dinners with my family. I have celebrated Colton's 13th birthday and had long conversations with Leslie about health and nutrition. I have fixed toys and oiled tack. I have been a mechanic and gunsmith, a yard boy and taxi driver, a counselor and a bucking bull, a sloth and a camping guide. As a son of God and a follower of the way, it is all ministry. I believe we are all called into the ministry. How's your ministry goin?
This last weekend we had a bit of extra excitement. While on our way out of the canyon Colton spotted a bald eagle in a cow pasture. He and the other two boys jumped out to get some pictures. One thing led to another and they kept trying to get closer. Well, they got close enough to touch him! Obviously injured, we decided to catch it and transport it to a local falconer we knew. I believe it was a gift from our Father for my boys and the eagle looks like it will make it. I never thought I would get to drive down the rode with my three boys, a bird dog, and a bald eagle all in the same cab. Keep to the vision and the calling of our Lord Jesus. Be about his Kingdom.
Todd and Leslie
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