Todd's Blog

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Abiding to Persevere by Todd Pierce

Hi family!

I have had a couple weeks to be in real consideration about many opportunities that still lay in front of us for this year. What I am about to share will best describe to you why we must continue to mentor the men of the PBR and why we must continue to use all we have available to continue to do the Faith Night events that are giving us access to thousands of unreached people.

As I read about the ministry of Jesus, I am continually amazed at Jesus’ ability to teach in illustrated ways and make it so Truth finds its way into everything we do. Over the years, I have listened to thousands of great messages from great teachers, but the teachings that stick are those that I received through the telling of a story or use of an illustration. For instance, I remember the way a man named Dave Gibson was trying to explain sanctification to me. He told me of how someone had used his prize shotgun as a leverage bar to help pry a stuck truck out of the mud. That gun was a special gun that was designed for a special use, not a pry bar. Similarly, our lives were given for a special use and it is a tragedy to use them for anything else, like sinful practices. The Word says that we have been sanctified and set apart for special work that our Father has already prepared for us. Dave’s story stuck with me and has helped me view the value of my life in a real way.

There was another time about 15 years ago, when a young Crow Indian man told me how his battle to be an honorable man made him feel like he had two dogs inside him that were constantly fighting. He described how his spirit man had the same desires as Jesus, but his flesh wanted to be like the devil himself. When I asked him, “Which dog is winning?”, he simply said, “It depends on which dog I feed the most.” God's Word says that if we sow to the flesh, of the flesh we will reap corruption; if we sow to the Spirit, of the Spirit we will reap life everlasting.

Remember the parable in Luke 4 of the farmer (God) who plants a field (people) and some seed falls on the side where it is immediately eaten by the birds (Satan). Some seed falls on shallow or stony soil (people who only have an emotional experience) and it grows quickly but has no root and when persecution comes, they fade away. Other seed fell where there is a lot of weeds and thorns (cares of this world, desires for riches and other things), they choke out the Word. Other seed falls on good soil (those who receive the word and bear fruit, some 30, some 60 and some 100 fold). So many times, this story has helped me navigate through the times of unfruitfulness (lack of intimacy with our Father).

Maybe my favorite illustration is the one given to the men Jesus chose to be closest with during His ministry time here on earth - John 15. Jesus and these men are on their way to the garden where Jesus knows He will sweat blood in grief. Yet He stops and holds up a grapevine branch. He explains to them that they are the branches and He is the vine. The branch could only bear fruit if it is connected to the vine. He knew the hardship ahead and He needed them to have an image burned on their hearts of what it would look like to abide in Him. They didn’t know what they would have to face and Jesus understood their ignorance. The image of Jesus holding that branch must have been a constant reminder of what they must do. For He knew of the hardships to come and temptation to use their power and position for personal gain. Jesus used the imagery so the Holy Spirit could use it throughout their lives to keep them and us.

Jesus used a vine and a branch; I use a horse and myself. The animal I train is lost, as his own instinct (sin nature) has separated himself from me. I pursue him and do all I can to reveal to him how much I love him and want to rescue him from a life of separation from me. I know that left to himself, he can only do what horses do – live to eat and breed and then die. I want to give him an abundant life - one where he discovers all the giftings that are within him and one where I can show him how special his life is for my purposes. I want to show him how apart from me, he can do nothing and with me, he can do anything. He can be something that has never entered his mind. Apart from me, he can only wander behind fences, but with me, he can have eternal life. As he submits to me on a moment-to-moment basis, my thoughts become his thoughts, my desires become his desires and he begins to love what I love and hate what I hate. It’s not just a message of conversion, it’s an invitation to a life of hope and passion, an invitation to be a part of an eternal Kingdom and begin to live eternal life now. When we are finally convinced of our depravity apart from the Father and equally convinced of His overwhelming love and acceptance of us, we are ruined for living a life apart from Him. Consider where you are and what is to come. Abide!

Your brother, Todd

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