Todd's Blog

Monday, August 1, 2011

Love or Lust by Todd Pierce

Love and Lust!

I have never been one to title a message, but because this holds a bit of a shock factor, I thought I might as well. I have had a conviction about how I live my life that has revolved around these two words. It has been based on these definitions: Love is the desire to give at your expense and lust desires to gain at another's expense. I have found that I have a real tendency to lust people and consequently undermine what my real desire is. I'll put it this way - my heart's desire is to bring joy to our Father. I know that the thing that brings him the most joy is for me to genuinely love people. So I must continually consider how I deal with the people around me. Even though this seems simple, I will give you an example of how we can easily miss the mark.

As an evangelist, I have a burning desire to see people come into the Kingdom. Because of this gifting and passion I can get a vision for a way to reach the masses and consequently get so caught up in the vision that I begin to look around for people to lust so I can accomplish the end goal. I suppose it is the old mentality that an end can justify the means. In our Father's Kingdom, this is not so. As a son of God, I must continue to fight the temptation to use people so I can do what I think I have been commissioned to do. Confused? Here is my point:

I have struggled for many years on how to do ministry and specifically how to build a financial team so the work can get done. I have resisted talking about finances because I have been so concerned about becoming the guy who thinks the people in his life should financially support his vision. I tell you all this because I want to make sure that you know the struggles I have with this issue and that you know that I want to continue to love you as someone I have the privilege to serve without expecting a thing. I believe this is the way Jesus lived. He said he came to serve and not be served.

With all that said, though, I also believe I have a responsibility before the Father as a steward of enormous opportunity to make sure the people around me know the needs. Therefore, I am stepping out to do so by sharing with you that we have committed to do two Faith Nights this fall that will cost us approximately $50,000.00. Please consider if this is something our Father would have you get behind or consider if someone you know would perhaps like to be a part of these great harvests. Learn more about Faith Nights at

Also, please consider the people in your life. Are you loving them or lusting them?

In service of the King, Todd Pierce

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