Saturday, August 21, 2010
"Come To Me and I will give you rest" These are the words of Jesus to those who are tired and burned out. If there were ever a time in human history that this offer is appealing, it is now. Business is a plague among our culture and I am one who is personally effected by it. We work and strive all day each day trying to keep it all together and eventually we just collapse until we gain enough strength to do it all over again. I know that we all want to honor God with our lives but I personally wonder if all the activity in our days adds up to what He really wants from us. Jesus said that he only did the things he saw His Father doing and said the things His Father said. Do you? Do I? Please consider the following with a pure heart and a sincere desire to hear from our Father.
A couple week ago Riding high Ministries hosted a faith night event at the PBR in San Antonio. It consisted of me breaking a colt and the band "Seventh Day Slumber" doing a concert. It gave the entire coliseum the opportunity to hear the Gospel in a way they may have never understood it before. Let me explain. Immediately following the final round of competition we brought an unbroken colt into the arena and the band began to play. Although the official PBR event was over, a few thousand fans were still intrigued by what was now going on and decided to stay. Following the first song, I began to speak about the Kingdom of Jesus and how this horse will show them the simplicity of the Gospel. Over the next 30 minutes the horse went from being a wild animal who ran out of instinct to a new creation that was now showing his love and loyalty toward me. He was now an animal that had the ability to surrender his will to mine and enjoy the life he was created for. (Go to to see video "Born Wild, Created to be free") It became a visible depiction of what happens in a human life when we surrender ourselves to the Father through the cross of Jesus and are filled with the Holy Spirit. Although it is probably the most powerful illustration I have ever seen of this mystery, it still requires us implementing the Truth into our own lives to experience it. Although the illustration gives you new understanding and gives people a desire to follow, we must choose to re-implement this Truth each day. Consider: As long as this horse is continually allowing me to direct its steps and put its complete trust in me, he has my best. Whenever he forgets and begins to go back to doing his own thing he experiences anxiety and eventual fatigue. Seems simple huh? Well I can tell you that horses learn faster than people. I have been learning this very lesson for 20 years now. But I can tell you this; The rest I enjoy when I am living moment by moment in our Fathers presence is so sweet and it is where I want to remain forever.
Today you have a choice. Spend all your energy trying to figure it out and get it all done, or direct your focus to our Father and trust the results to him. The way I do this is by beginning each morning re-surrendering my will to his, and by giving him permission to have my day. Then I try to go moment by moment in constant consideration of what he wants me to do. I like to feel his approval and smile over every thought and action. The Bible calls it abiding in John 15. I pray that as you read this you will gain a new revelation of how the simple trust of a child is what Jesus taught us to have with the Father. Are you willing to become a child?

A couple week ago Riding high Ministries hosted a faith night event at the PBR in San Antonio. It consisted of me breaking a colt and the band "Seventh Day Slumber" doing a concert. It gave the entire coliseum the opportunity to hear the Gospel in a way they may have never understood it before. Let me explain. Immediately following the final round of competition we brought an unbroken colt into the arena and the band began to play. Although the official PBR event was over, a few thousand fans were still intrigued by what was now going on and decided to stay. Following the first song, I began to speak about the Kingdom of Jesus and how this horse will show them the simplicity of the Gospel. Over the next 30 minutes the horse went from being a wild animal who ran out of instinct to a new creation that was now showing his love and loyalty toward me. He was now an animal that had the ability to surrender his will to mine and enjoy the life he was created for. (Go to to see video "Born Wild, Created to be free") It became a visible depiction of what happens in a human life when we surrender ourselves to the Father through the cross of Jesus and are filled with the Holy Spirit. Although it is probably the most powerful illustration I have ever seen of this mystery, it still requires us implementing the Truth into our own lives to experience it. Although the illustration gives you new understanding and gives people a desire to follow, we must choose to re-implement this Truth each day. Consider: As long as this horse is continually allowing me to direct its steps and put its complete trust in me, he has my best. Whenever he forgets and begins to go back to doing his own thing he experiences anxiety and eventual fatigue. Seems simple huh? Well I can tell you that horses learn faster than people. I have been learning this very lesson for 20 years now. But I can tell you this; The rest I enjoy when I am living moment by moment in our Fathers presence is so sweet and it is where I want to remain forever.
Today you have a choice. Spend all your energy trying to figure it out and get it all done, or direct your focus to our Father and trust the results to him. The way I do this is by beginning each morning re-surrendering my will to his, and by giving him permission to have my day. Then I try to go moment by moment in constant consideration of what he wants me to do. I like to feel his approval and smile over every thought and action. The Bible calls it abiding in John 15. I pray that as you read this you will gain a new revelation of how the simple trust of a child is what Jesus taught us to have with the Father. Are you willing to become a child?