Todd's Blog

Thursday, January 5, 2012

His Image by Todd Pierce

One of the most inspiring experiences in my life is being a father. It is an experience that brings my greatest moments of joy and arouses some of my fiercest anger. It makes me glad to be alive and causes me to dream bigger. It can frustrate me to the point of tears and cause me to want to be more than I am. You could say that it brings me into new realms of the human experience, but it also makes my spirit see our Father with an ever increasing level of wonder. I watch as my boys are becoming young men and I see how they are becoming more like me. They walk like me, pray like me, spit like me and look like me. They rarely act like me on purpose, it just happens. My character and disposition just rubs off on them because we spend so much time together and because I am their father. They hear me and it moves them like no other voice. My words mean more to them than any other. I find myself wondering if our Father is rubbing off on me like this. So many hours of the day, I lose consciousness of Him, but He is still here. What an amazing reality. My prayer for you and me for 2012 is that we will hear His voice as well as my boys hear mine, that His character will be increasingly imparted to us and that we will see what He sees and hear what He hears.

In service of the King,

Todd Pierce

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Monday, January 2, 2012

"Let it go!" by Todd Pierce

Philippians 3:12-14 says "Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected, but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended, but one thing I do - forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus."

For the past several years, I have used this passage to recalibrate my direction in life. I believe it is a principle that we should apply on a continual basis. But I also believe that at the beginning of the new year, we should especially consider what this looks like. When I read chapter three, I hear the heart of Paul as a man who knows his own human weakness, but has such a revelation of the Kingdom, that he pleads us to keep moving forward. Paul, as a man, needs to fight the tendency to look at past fears and failures and successes. Although we are told to reflect on the promises and faithfulness of our Father, we are not to allow our past to dictate our future. My prayer for everyone who reads this is that you will get a revelation on this truth.

I have stressed the importance of forgiveness many times, but I want to ask you to apply it to this season. When you forgive, you release. In order for you to take hold of what 2012 holds for you, you must let go of things that are in your past. The Holy Spirit is showing you things that are weighing you down, things that you need to release. Some of it is bad circumstances and relationships, but some of it may be great blessings you need to release. We are created to have blessings flow through us, not to contain them. So I say, "Let it go!" Whatever is on your heart right now, let it go. Get in the habit of quieting yourself before our Father and have his Spirit search your heart and show you what you need to release so you can move forward. Give it away. Whether it is guilt, money, shame, encouragement, anger, wisdom, bitterness or gifting. If it is a weight, release it to Jesus and thank him for new beginnings. If it is something He has given you, thank Him for the gift and look for how you can use it to serve someone. This is a new year so get in the present. Anticipate the great things our Father is going to trust you with and walk in wisdom on how to use it to build others up. I am excited to be a part of your life this year and look forward to all that we can share in.

In service of the King, Todd Pierce

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